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Single-Use Plastic & Styrofoam Bans

Posted on 11/9/2021

in Environmental News

Single Use Plastics in Ocean - Blog Post

Households and businesses around the world are slowly beginning to replace their products with eco-friendly alternatives. The reason? Their predecessors, such as single-use plastics and polystyrene materials, have left lasting harm to the environment. As a result, cities, and states are waking up and beginning to ban these hazardous materials in an effort to curb continued buildup. 

What’s the Deal with the Styrofoam Ban?

More and more cities around the continent are catching on to the environmental dangers of Styrofoam. Polystyrene, the main ingredient in the trademarked “Styrofoam” (owned by Dow Chemical), is not easy to dispose of safely. The toxicity of this material has led to it becoming one of the largest contributors to landfills. To combat this, states like California and New Jersey have implemented strict Polystyrene bans across many of their cities. 

Are there Single-Use or Styrofoam Bans in my Area? 

Many states are currently considering all-encompassing styrofoam ban legislation. To stay on top of this, visit our styrofoam alternatives page and receive up-to-date coverage, and find out if you are affected. 

What’s the Deal with the Single-Use Plastic Ban?

What is single-use plastic? 

Single-use plastic makes up the majority of all plastic products made around the world. These plastics are any type of disposable plastic that can only be used once before being thrown away. 

Why is it banned? 

Roughly 300 million tons of plastic are produced each year. Petroleum-based plastics make up the bulk of this amount, and since they are not biodegradable, they often end up in landfills or oceans. In an effort to curb this, numerous cities across the world have enacted single-use plastic bans. The goal is to increase the number of recyclable plastics used by consumers and decrease the consumption of disposables that create ecological harm. 

What Are the Alternatives to These Products? 

Don’t let the styrofoam ban affect your ability to purchase trustworthy products. At Green Paper Products, we have been providing alternatives to harmful and toxic materials for over a decade, meaning you can find and purchase many safe alternatives right in our online store.

Looking for alternatives to single-use plastic? Our expansive line of biodegradable & compostable products are all made from plant-based materials which offer a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic. Choose from various sizes of cups, takeout containers, clamshells, cutlery, trash bags and so much more.

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